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Your Mission, Should You Decide to Accept It: Comparing Candidates

If you knew that line came from the TV classic Mission Impossible and remember the original version (1966 – 1973), you might be a Baby Boomer – and you MIGHT decide this election. Last week, TMM’s Moderate Leadership Test (MLT) suggested candidates’ Vital Values help evaluate their character – asserting that’s as important as their positions on issues (if not more). MLT also compares candidates’ Basic Beliefs, so Moderates can decide which candidates’ align with theirs.


Submitted For Your Approval: Moderate Leadership Test

Moderates, if candidates’ Vital Values are important to you, TMM suggests using this test to compare them. That way, we can allow what’s in their HEARTS, as well as their HEADS, to help determine our votes. Please score them yourselves; in future posts, we’ll offer our scores. Boomers and Moderates, remember – we just might decide this election. VOTE.


Rest in Peace, John Lewis – You Earned It

Hopefully, John Lewis' spirit will never leave us. But now that his physical presence is gone, the words of St. Paul resonate: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day…" If anybody ever deserved those words, John Lewis did. Want to honor his legacy? Contribute to campaigns and organizations fighting “the good fight”. Volunteer for them. Above all, VOTE.


What’s The Modern Moderate All About?

TMM was recently told, by a Progressive, The Modern Moderate is too conservative. A Conservative-leaning Moderate said TMM seems too progressive. So we’re where we want to be – in the middle. If both sides are complaining, you’re somewhere between them.


Welcome to the USA: The United States of Anarchy – Part One

Our beloved country approaches the edge of the abyss, where anarchy – not social norms, traditional institutions or government as arbiter of all Americans’ interests – reigns. Led by the Anarchist in Chief, President Trump, all norms are rejected, all institutions are disrespected, and all forms of government are condemned – except his administration, of course.


Three Did Not Speak Up – But Three Did

Moderates who believe in our democracy, in our honorable military leaders, and in the principle of protecting the common good, rather than the political whims of the commander in chief – better follow their lead. Speak up, act, do the right thing. And VOTE.


Trump Photo-Op Co-Opts Constitution

Questions Requiring Answers: Conservatives, you have long demanded more LOCAL control and LESS-powerful federal government. Where are your voices now? Moderates (and all Americans), is it acceptable for a president to use troops to deny peaceful protesters their First-Amendment Rights? This is serious stuff, Folks.


The Greatest Generation or The Greediest Generation? You Decide

Scientists who know what they’re talking about (unlike many politicians), insist our only hope – until a cure and vaccine are found – remains social distancing and wearing masks in public. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) declared, “When you wear a mask, you say ‘I respect the nurses and doctors… the essential workers… and YOU’.” If only these Whiners shared that regard for others. The rest of us must decide: whose example do we follow – The Greatest Generation or The Greediest Generation?


What’s The Modern Moderate All About, Anyway?

TMM was recently told, by a Progressive, The Modern Moderate is too conservative. A Conservative-leaning Moderate said TMM seems too progressive. So we’re where we want to be – in the middle. If both sides are complaining, you’re somewhere between them. TMM was asked if we’re a Democratic Party blog. The answer is, emphatically, NO. Then why have we criticized President Trump and Republicans so much in recent months?

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