Postmortem for the Harris Campaign
So there were many ways, this Moderate believes, that Harris could have campaigned more effectively on several key issues.
Exploring effective, reasonable ways to protect our air, water, land, and wildlife
So there were many ways, this Moderate believes, that Harris could have campaigned more effectively on several key issues.
America now needs moderation and healing, requiring bipartisanship. Joe Biden seems uniquely suited to lead us toward that – if Democrats will let him, and Republicans will join him. If they won’t, let THEM be the ones who blow it.
Respect for science is one of TMM's Basic Beliefs. Moderates, and all other humans, owe the climate-science pioneers described in this Guest Blog a debt of gratitude - along with citizen-scientists, activists and educators like George S. Turner (author of the blog), who continue studying climate change and informing all of us about it. Without them, our collective knowledge of climate change would have evolved much later – meaning it would have taken us even longer to understand (and eventually, reach consensus) that it is real, accelerating – and dangerous.
Some supporters say they recognized Trump’s shortcomings, but supported him anyway, because they favored his results (like conservative judges). Stuns the rest of us – like saying the guy down the street is a child molester; but he gives us nice gifts, so we ignore that. It’s hard to accept that someone you supported betrayed your trust. But we believe he betrayed you – and our country. Unlike Trump’s accusations, we base ours on evidence.
Does Perdue’s reluctance to debate indicate he has something to hide? You would think he’d be eager to tout all the positive things he claims he’s accomplished for everyday Georgians.
Despite Loeffler’s best efforts to demonize Warnock and curry favor with coveted suburban women voters, it would be a mistake to dismiss his chances to win – especially with Loeffler facing allegations regarding her ethics. Georgia voters, make a plan and vote on (or before) January 5. Our country is depending on you.
Moderates, if you agree CHARACTER is important, TMM suggests America simply CANNOT entrust Donald Trump with another four years as president. The damage already done would be magnified in a second term - when he wouldn't have to worry about facing voters again. So please, DO NOT vote for Trump; otherwise, we’ll all be saying “WTF” (the old meaning) for another four years. Remember that – and VOTE.
Let’s compare President Trump and VP Biden, using our Moderate Leadership Test (MLT), on RESPECT FOR SCIENCE. Moderates, to ensure scientists SEE your respect, and we GET new leadership we desperately need - VOTE.
The “worst president for our environment in history”, as Trump was described by nine leading environmental organizations, faces resistance from countless groups, businesses, industries, and individual Americans, determined to protect our environment and climate. Remember that, Moderates – and VOTE.
America has always been able to “be best” (to borrow another platitude) when it didn't brag about past achievements, but got busy solving today's problems. Not calling itself exceptional, but making exceptional efforts to protect our children's future.