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Our posts are in reverse chronological order (last one in, first one out) for your convenience in perusing them. Check them out and share your thoughts if you’d like. You can post a comment at the bottom of our posts or send a private message from the Contact Us page.

The Greatest Generation or The Greediest Generation? You Decide

Scientists who know what they’re talking about (unlike many politicians), insist our only hope – until a cure and vaccine are found – remains social distancing and wearing masks in public. Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) declared, “When you wear a mask, you say ‘I respect the nurses and doctors… the essential workers… and YOU’.” If only these Whiners shared that regard for others. The rest of us must decide: whose example do we follow – The Greatest Generation or The Greediest Generation?


The Time to Speak Up Was Yesterday – The Time to Act Is Now

Clearly, we must immediately start focusing on smart energy and grid modernization to confront climate change. Using metal straws, shunning plastic bags, and “reducing, reusing and recycling” are helpful; but smart energy combats climate change much faster, at a much larger scale. Let’s employ ALL these weapons to win this war.


What’s The Modern Moderate All About, Anyway?

TMM was recently told, by a Progressive, The Modern Moderate is too conservative. A Conservative-leaning Moderate said TMM seems too progressive. So we’re where we want to be – in the middle. If both sides are complaining, you’re somewhere between them. TMM was asked if we’re a Democratic Party blog. The answer is, emphatically, NO. Then why have we criticized President Trump and Republicans so much in recent months?

Photograph: José Luis Magaña/AP

Abortion Restrictions in the COVID-19 World

Regardless of your position on abortion, a woman’s right to choose is still the law of the land in America…or so we thought. The abortion wars between pro-life and pro-choice forces continue unabated. Now the COVID-19 crisis is providing new ammunition for pro-life proponents.


NOW Who’s Willing to “Pull the Plug on Grandma”?

We should ask today’s protestors, demonstrating against Coronavirus restrictions, the same question. They want restrictions loosened or eliminated, but many health experts warn COVID-19 could rebound, spreading rapidly. Our seniors would be among the most vulnerable. So Grandma (and Grandpa) would have the plug pulled on them – sacrificed to perpetuate the conspiracy theory that Coronavirus is a media or Democratic hoax. Even after 58,000 U.S. deaths (more than in the Vietnam War), some true believers still buy that myth.


Happy Earth Day, 2020

April 22 marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day.  This year, tree huggers and concerned citizens around the world will come together, virtually, to commemorate this milestone, celebrate our precious planet and bring awareness to challenges it faces. As has been typical for 50 years, the Earth has seen some victories and setbacks this past year.


Heroes and Angels Praised by All Americans – Except One

Finally, something we can (almost) all agree on: We have heroes and angels among us, thank God. Front-line warriors in the Coronavirus siege – risking their own lives, showing amazing courage and compassion – qualify for that title. Medical personnel, first responders, drivers and supermarket workers delivering and stocking essential goods, among others, deserve our appreciation.


Trump (FINALLY) Admits Coronavirus’ Magnitude – What Took Him So Long?

Giving credit where due, President Trump (FINALLY) admitted COVID-19 is serious, and more deadly, than he thought – with 100,000 U.S. deaths predicted and 240,000 possible. Trump claims he knew how bad it was: “I knew it could be horrible, and I knew it could be, maybe, good. I want to give people a feeling of hope.” (March 31) Moderates prefer presidents tell us the truth, then how TOGETHER we’ll deal with it.


Coronavirus Crisis Reveals True Trump – Part Three

Crises reveal leaders’ true character. Think former President Harry Truman (D-MO), with a sign on his desk: “The Buck Stops Here”. He accepted his responsibility to make tough decisions – and stand by them. Now think President Trump, asked about the slow distribution of test kits during the COVID-19 crisis: “No, I don’t take responsibility at all.” Instead, he blamed former President Obama (his favorite scapegoat when things go badly).


Coronavirus Crisis Reveals True Trump – Part Two

Crises reveal leaders’ true character. Think British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during World War II: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” Now think President Donald Trump during the COVID-19 crisis, asked how long it will last: “Some of the doctors say it will wash through, it will flow through.” Virtually no medical experts agreed with that view.

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