Postmortem for the Harris Campaign
So there were many ways, this Moderate believes, that Harris could have campaigned more effectively on several key issues.
Unresolved for decades, an issue threatening to tear us apart
So there were many ways, this Moderate believes, that Harris could have campaigned more effectively on several key issues.
What’s needed to resolve this issue, once and for all? One, politicians with courage, standing up to extremists in their parties blocking compromise solutions, such as this one. Two, Americans accepting reality, actively supporting legislators who compromise with the other side. Too much to hope for? Maybe, at least with extremists on both ends of our political spectrum. But the rest of us, especially Modern Moderates, must embrace compromise as our only hope – and DEMAND it from our leaders.
The true cause of this crisis: our outdated, ineffective immigration system. Almost everybody agrees it’s broken and needs repair – or replacement. Congress has failed miserably to address that. In our next post, TMM will offer possible solutions to this seemingly intractable American challenge. Stay tuned.
America now needs moderation and healing, requiring bipartisanship. Joe Biden seems uniquely suited to lead us toward that – if Democrats will let him, and Republicans will join him. If they won’t, let THEM be the ones who blow it.
Does Perdue’s reluctance to debate indicate he has something to hide? You would think he’d be eager to tout all the positive things he claims he’s accomplished for everyday Georgians.
Moderates, if you agree CHARACTER is important, TMM suggests America simply CANNOT entrust Donald Trump with another four years as president. The damage already done would be magnified in a second term - when he wouldn't have to worry about facing voters again. So please, DO NOT vote for Trump; otherwise, we’ll all be saying “WTF” (the old meaning) for another four years. Remember that – and VOTE.
TMM reminds Moderates that candidates’ positions rarely match 100% of our own. A better question: all things considered, which candidate is more likely to lead our country in directions I want us to go? Ponder that one, Moderates – then VOTE.
Given what Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor characterized as “the president’s history of vicious and racist comments about immigrants” in her scathing concurrence on the DACA ruling, it is unlikely we’ll see any constructive movement on immigration during the Trump Administration. But we Moderates have the power to change that in November. VOTE!
What’s needed to resolve this issue, once and for all? One, politicians with courage, standing up to extremists in their parties blocking compromise solutions, such as this one...
“The Wall” is currently THE issue, since President Trump’s demand that taxpayers pay $5 billion for his border wall triggered the recent government shutdown and now his national-emergency declaration.