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Changing of the Guard

My skin isn’t thick enough to endure criticism trailblazers like Harris, Pelosi, Gandhi, Meir, and Thatcher have had to suffer; but I have been inspired to follow in their footsteps, in my own ways. As Harris told Marie Claire magazine, “I want [young] women to know, you are powerful and your voice matters." Amen, Sisters. Amen.


The More Things Don’t Change…But Might

What’s needed to resolve this issue, once and for all? One, politicians with courage, standing up to extremists in their parties blocking compromise solutions, such as this one. Two, Americans accepting reality, actively supporting legislators who compromise with the other side. Too much to hope for?  Maybe, at least with extremists on both ends of our political spectrum.  But the rest of us, especially Modern Moderates, must embrace compromise as our only hope – and DEMAND it from our leaders.


The More Things Don’t Change…But Could

Republicans, time to “put up or shut up”. Are you serious about preventing mass shootings? Are you serious about mental health as the true cause? If so, are you willing to spend money (without increasing deficits) to address that issue? Democrats, can you look beyond gun laws as the only solution – and avoid advocating radical proposals (like confiscating legally-purchased weapons)? Can you instead support a bipartisan solution that might actually WORK? Final question: do you both have enough courage to DO something together – before mentally ill mass shooters kill HUNDREDS MORE innocent Americans?


The More Things Change… (Part 2)

Recent mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder focused U.S. attention again – temporarily – on gun issues. More have occurred since then (in California and Texas, among others), but received less attention; maybe because numbers of deaths were fewer – or maybe because Americans were numbed by the carnage, yet again.


The More Things Change…

Recent shootings in Atlanta and Boulder remind us innocent people (potentially, any of us or our loved ones), simply going to the grocery store or to work, might never return home. Boulder police officer Eric Talley never did, to his wife and seven children – after bravely confronting a shooter to save others.


Don’t Blow It, Democrats

America now needs moderation and healing, requiring bipartisanship. Joe Biden seems uniquely suited to lead us toward that – if Democrats will let him, and Republicans will join him. If they won’t, let THEM be the ones who blow it.


If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Suppress ‘Em

Cloaked in misleading terms like “ensuring safe elections” and “protecting election integrity”, GOP efforts aim to reduce minority votes that cost them the White House and Senate in 2020. Realizing demographic shifts favor Democrats (with many young and minority Americans becoming eligible voters), Republicans came up with needed solutions, then searched for problems.

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