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The Kamala Effect

Since Kamala Harris was announced as former VP Joe Biden’s running mate, it seems many folks are more hopeful than they’ve been in a long time. For just a moment, we’re able to rise above the unrelenting COVID gloom, the economic suffering of millions, the months of peaceful protests undermined, sadly, by looters. We’re hopeful for a new day when we’ll once again have leaders deeply rooted in the beliefs and values that have made this country great. Leaders who don’t hold petty grudges or fire off torrents of disparaging insults aimed at those who disagree with them. Leaders who actually have a firm grasp on how our system of government works.

And yet, this hope is mixed with a sense of déjà vu. Haven’t we been here before? If elected, isn’t the Biden/Harris administration going to face strangely similar challenges to the ones the Obama/Biden administration did? Here we’ll go again, with economic turmoil due to the previous administration’s policies. In accepting Biden’s VP offer, Harris said “I’m ready to get to work.” Good thing – since she already has her work cut out for her.

A Formidable Asset for Biden

The worldwide web is awash in stories about the Biden/Harris ticket: stories about why Biden chose Harris, stories covering everything you might ever want to know about Kamala. The Twitter-sphere has been wall-to-wall Harris lately — filled with praise and negativity from the usual suspects and some newer players. We found the perspective of a self-proclaimed fiscal conservative, Congressman Tim Burchett (R-TN), to be particularly enlightened: “I rarely agree with Kamala Harris on anything. I think she is wrong on about every Dadgum issue. But, it’s pretty cool that we live in a country where an immigrant couple can have a girl that can have a shot at being the most powerful person in the world.” Harris’ mother was Indian (making Kamala the first Asian-American on a major party ticket), her father Jamaican (making her the first black female major-party candidate). She is, indeed, the American Dream personified.

Biden’s wife, Jill, admitted it was a “gut punch” when Harris aggressively attacked Joe during the Democratic presidential debates. But Biden has the maturity and perspective to put debate performances aside – unlike some politicians, who never forgive nor forget – and select a VP candidate who makes strategic sense for the ticket and the nation. Biden’s reward: Harris will prove to be a strong partner before and after the election.

A Fall to Remember – Or (Hopefully) Forget?

Conventional wisdom always said death and taxes are the only things you can count on. TMM is confident there’s one more thing: a knock-down, drag-out, butt-ugly fight between now and November 3. Beyond nasty name-calling, Trump and his cronies have already proven they’re willing to go to unprecedented, extraordinary lengths to win. In fact, the New York Times warns things will be ugly well beyond election day.

TMM urges readers: do whatever you must do to stay sane, vigilant, determined – and hopeful. It’s going to be a wild ride this fall; but no matter how wild, ugly, and discouraging it gets, we must resolve to do our part for our beloved country. Donate, volunteer – and VOTE.


Laurentine Nicoletto, TMM Staff




Images: Google Images

Harris with flag: NBC News

Infant Harris with parents:

Biden and Harris at Democratic Debate:

Biden and Trump:

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