My skin isn’t thick enough to endure criticism trailblazers like Harris, Pelosi, Gandhi, Meir, and Thatcher have had to suffer; but I have been inspired to follow in their footsteps, in my own ways. As Harris told Marie Claire magazine, “I want [young] women to know, you are powerful and your voice matters." Amen, Sisters. Amen.
What’s The Modern Moderate All About?
TMM was recently told, by a Progressive, The Modern Moderate is too conservative. A Conservative-leaning Moderate said TMM seems too progressive. So we’re where we want to be – in the middle. If both sides are complaining, you’re somewhere between them.
TMM was asked if we’re a Democratic Party blog. The answer is, emphatically, NO.
Then why have we criticized President Trump and Republicans so much in recent months?
1) THEY’RE in power, they’re more scrutinized. They got themselves elected – and consequently, must face critique.
Nothing new; Barack Obama (D-IL), while president, was pilloried daily by Republicans (and still is, by Trump). Former President Bush (R-TX) was disparaged frequently by Democrats.
Yet Trump whines constantly he’s treated unfairly by Democrats and the media. At the Lincoln Memorial, he moaned he’s been “greeted by a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen”. Historians disagree. As America disintegrated into the Civil War’s devastation, Lincoln was repeatedly blamed; but he faced condemnation with dignity – without complaining.
2) As TMM has always stated, Moderates honor certain beliefs and values and try to uphold them. When any candidates or politicians violate them, TMM calls them out – alerting Moderates, who can decide whether to support and vote for, or oppose and vote against, those candidates and politicians.
Trump and Republicans have violated MANY Moderates’ beliefs and values; so TMM has sounded the alarm – and will continue doing so.
3) Trump has seriously mishandled COVID-19, giving TMM plenty to censure. The crisis has revealed the true Trump, displaying his narcissism, buck-passing and selfishness.
Does TMM ever criticize Democrats? The answer is, emphatically, YES.
TMM believes America needs TWO (or more) smart, strong parties competing for votes, to chart the best course. In that competition in recent years, Republicans have won most contests. But is that because their ideas are better – or because they fight ruthlessly, and Democrats are too ineffective to put up a fair fight? Republicans are clearly the stronger party, but are they the smarter one? Stay tuned.
Due to Democrats’ ineptitude, Republicans control the White House, Senate (and until 2018, the House), Supreme Court (and lower courts), most governors’ mansions and state legislatures, and many local governments.
Even while a majority of Americans, according to polls, often agree with Democrats’ positions on many issues (guns, abortion, environment, among others), Republicans often win elections. When you hold the winning hand – and STILL manage to lose consistently – you deserve denunciation.
So TMM has criticized BOTH parties; see previous posts skewering Democrats AND Republicans, and sometimes both.
TMM has also praised both parties, like governors Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and Larry Hogan (R-MD) for their crisis leadership.
But for now, with Republicans calling most shots, they deserve more scrutiny – and calling out. As Lord Acton famously said, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Absolute power has apparently corrupted Trump and Republicans, and they’ve given us plenty to condemn. If Democrats were powerful and guilty of that, we’d condemn them equally.
So please, Mr. Trump, no more whining about criticism; it goes with the territory.
As former President Harry Truman (D-MO) said, “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.” Good advice. With the election campaign underway, the kitchen’s going to get much hotter.
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The Modern Moderate welcomes readers’ ideas and discussions of issues. We do insist, in Moderate fashion, that comments should be as respectful and informed as possible, to keep our site constructive for our readers. Therefore, posts deemed hostile, obscene, untrue, or misleading will be deleted, and authors of those comments may be blocked from posting comments in the future. Thank you for your cooperation.
Hello, this whole thing is sound and you’re sharing facts. That’s actually good, keep up your