Welcome to The Modern Moderate, a home for political Moderates – who have strong, passionate political beliefs. In the past, “Moderate” was seen as apathetic or spineless. We MODERN Moderates are neither. We hold our beliefs firmly and confidently, and we are not afraid to express and act on those beliefs.
Pardon Me?
So much for the Party of Law and Order, as they like to portray themselves.
A Bold Prediction for the 2nd Trump Inauguration
The Modern Moderate hereby predicts that the 2nd Inauguration of Donald J. Trump will attract the largest crowd ever for any felony-convicted President in U.S. history. Image: Google Images - The Wall Street Journal
Postmortem for the Harris Campaign
So there were many ways, this Moderate believes, that Harris could have campaigned more effectively on several key issues.
Changing of the Guard
My skin isn’t thick enough to endure criticism trailblazers like Harris, Pelosi, Gandhi, Meir, and Thatcher have had to suffer; but I have been inspired to follow in their footsteps, in my own ways. As Harris told Marie Claire magazine, “I want [young] women to know, you are powerful and your voice matters." Amen, Sisters. Amen.
The More Things Don’t Change…But Might
What’s needed to resolve this issue, once and for all? One, politicians with courage, standing up to extremists in their parties blocking compromise solutions, such as this one. Two, Americans accepting reality, actively supporting legislators who compromise with the other side. Too much to hope for? Maybe, at least with extremists on both ends of our political spectrum. But the rest of us, especially Modern Moderates, must embrace compromise as our only hope – and DEMAND it from our leaders.